About the Initiative
The A&H Futures program advances research and creative activity projects in the Arts and Humanities that address contemporary issues of significant urgency and thereby not only provide new models for social and community engagement, but also demonstrate the continued relevance of the methods and values of these disciplinary perspectives. The program supports multidisciplinary research teams that span and combine approaches across the arts and humanities and between the arts and humanities and other research areas; teams consist of faculty, students and community members who work together to develop and model forms of engagement in professional, civic, and individual terms.
The program will be launched in Fall 2023 with teams whose areas of focus were developed through the 2023 Strategic Planning Process as well as conversations with campus research leaders, deans, faculty, students, and community members. The program will begin with a two-year launch period and run according on a semester-by-semester timetable toward a set of dynamic deliverables, including articles, monograph, and exhibits as well as policy papers, new curricular tracks, public-facing research projects, community programs, and (where applicable) the funding of new research centers.